mostly pics


I’m trying to rest up for this evening. I had a good meeting with my boss. She asked me if I could take off Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. This is exactly what I’m trying to do, but it’s encouraging to have your boss be so sensitive to you. I feel like I’m off balance and not functioning very well. I am, however, functioning enough to do my job. The hives persist. My feet tend to swell as the day goes on. I also seem to be having more fatigue. Plus in the last week I have had a lot of activities (Funeral, Sunday Eucharist, After service rehearsal of Stewardship the Musical, hosting the recital, then back in the afternoon for Blessing of the Animals, Tuesday morning attending the interring of the ashes.

So here are some pics





Eileen and Sarah put flowers on the grave.




Kokx is Eileen’s Mom’s maiden name.  There are many members of the Kokx family buried in the graveyard by the church.


The nearby church was locked


but the gravedigger kindly let us in.


Eileen’s great-great-grandfather, Evo Kokx, helped build this church. He is  memorialized in a stain glass window.


The saint in his window is Saint Agnes.






I have to stop now and rest up for this evening’s rehearsal.

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