mostly pics



Walking to the college this week,I noticed the trim on one of the houses I was passing.


It occurred to me that it might have been hand cut.  We’re a religious community so I thought perhaps the three center cuts were sort of crosses. Whatever kind of cross or object they are, they morph nicely into what looks to me like a leaf on each side. I thought it was cool enough to stop and photograph


Yesterday morning, I met my two local colleagues, Rhonda Edgington and Jane Bosco, at Hope College’s Dimnent Chapel. They had asked me to listen to their piano/organ recital for balance purposes. I admit I was a bit surprised and flattered to be asked. Largely due to my own doing, I live just under the musical radar here in Holland. Occasionally I raise my ancient head and do some music. But most of what I have done locally I have initiated. This has changed since I have returned to church music.

I believe if I have any increasing credibility with the local classical/academic musicians it is because Rhonda has carried me on her coattails back into the discussion. I have gone willingly.

Yesterday, I received an email from Stephen Thomas, an Episcopal musician in Kalamazoo who ran the installation service of our bishop. He was asking colleagues their opinions of the needs of the diocese for musical direction and education. Glory be! This is exactly the kind of work I did years ago in Western Michigan and found so rewarding, not to say formative. I emailed him back. This is pretty unusual stuff for me at this point. When I first came to Holland (1987) I was a Roman Catholic church music bat-out-of-hell (even though not an RC myself). I did have many colleagues and many collegiate discussions. This all dissipated when I withdrew from working at Our Lady of the Lake.

As Eileen pointed out, I was interested in other things. So it was no big deal. I missed the companionship but had no interest in keeping up with the field.

This has changed a bit since working at Grace Episcopal Church.

Yesterday I found myself online trying to figure out the cost of Robert Taft’s new edition of his book Beyond East and West.

This man and this book are very important to what understandings I have about Christian liturgy. The dang book is expensive (60 bucks or so and no ebook apparently available) so I’ll probably do the old interlibrary loan trick.


Rhonda and Jane’s recital is today at 2 PM. I’m going of course. I also emailed some parishioners who might be interested. I think it will be an excellent recital if yesterday is any judge.


After that, Eileen and I worked on clearing the main floor bedroom.


With the help of my Dad’s old hand truck, we moved the remaining files to the porch.


First this one.


Then this one.

Not bad for a couple of old people.


Room empty of files.

We then moved the bed downstairs. This involved taking the box springs out on the roof, tying a cord to gently lower it, and then having the box springs frame give way and dropping it. It seems none the worse for the wear. I was too busy being ridiculous to take pics at this point.

After all this work, I managed to take a fall at work. In the dark, I miscalculated how high I was when I jumped from the choir area to the church floor. Ended up on the floor terrified I had finally harmed myself. But not so. Only I am sore from both moving stuff and falling. Ah old age.

3 thoughts on “mostly pics

  1. Hey! Be careful, man! Remember you can ask for help with things like box springs.

    Also, some of your pics seem to be broken. Maybe it’s just my computer or the Chinese internet.

    I love you!

  2. Regarding the pics, I was in the process of fixing them as you were reading it. I noticed that Windows was opening them a bit differently after I had sent them to myself from my phone to my email. I skipped the usual print screen, paste and edit process to just copy image. It didn’t work, so I had to go back and fix each pic. They should be right now.

    I do ask for help when I need it. I even hired a guy to help me get all the books upstairs at once. The box springs was very light. Eileen and I pretty smart about this sort of thing. That’s why I freaked when I fell.

    love from Dad

    1. I love you. I’m glad you guys are pretty good about asking for help and stuff. And you take care of each other pretty well too!

      Yep, the images are working for me now!

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