mostly links today


I skipped Greek this morning and finished preparing string scores for this weekend and then emailed them to the players. This took me quite a while. Eileen is still asleep. I did Greek then returned to the music software to make the piano scores. I will probably need to practice them in order to pull these pieces off this weekend.

I emailed my boss yesterday and asked her if she (and we) were going to observe “Day without a Woman” strike. She was amused. I guess we’re on for doing church stuff today. Heh.

Department of Justification – The New York Times

Long read on the Department of Justice published in Sunday’s NYT Mag. Good info.

Google Chrome Tips That Can Make Browsing Easier | TNH Online

Not too much in this short article. I bookmarked it to remember to check my extensions and plug ins.

Watch Raindrops Catapult Bacteria Into The Air : Shots – Health News : NPR

A little disappointed in the graphics but an interesting idea anyway.

Turkish Referendum Has Country Trading Barbs With Germany Over Free Speech – The New York Times

Turkey is a blue print for fascism right now as far as I can see and the process marches on.

A Eureka Moment for Two Times Reporters: North Korea’s Missile Launches Were Failing Too Often – The New York Times

Some of the comments on this article take NYT to task for revealing info to the enemy. I thought it was a fascinating little look at how journalism works.

 A change in the rules. A drastic one.

Did the Supreme Court Base a Ruling on a Myth? – The New York Times

Fake news in the history of rulings. Sigh. How discouraging. This does explain the draconian rules for excon sex offenders.

Smothering Speech at Middlebury – The New York Times

Nice to see the editorial board at the NYT take this stand. I agree with it.

Trump’s Tweets Attacking Obama – The New York Times

This is a link to letters to the editor on this topic. I liked the last letter which contained this comment: “”“Hitchens’s razor,” formulated by the journalist Christopher Hitchens: “What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.””

Would that it would work.

Informed Patient? Don’t Bet On It – The New York Times

Some good advice but frustrating that it is needed. Be sure and check out these bullet points if you are interested in this.

■ Ask us to use common words and terms. If your doctor says that you’ll end up with a “simple iliac ileal conduit” or a “urostomy,” feel free to say “I don’t understand those words. Can you explain what that means?”

■ Summarize back what you heard. “So I should split my birth control pills in half and take half myself and give the other half to my boyfriend?” That way, if you’ve misunderstood what we did a poor job of explaining, there will be a chance to straighten it out: “No, that’s not right. You should take the whole pill yourself.”

■ Request written materials, or even pictures or videos. We all learn in different ways and at different paces, and “hard copies” of information that you can take time to absorb at home may be more helpful than the few minutes in our offices.

■ Ask for best-case, worst-case, and most likely scenarios, along with the chance of each one occurring.

■ Ask if you can talk to someone who has undergone the surgery, or received the chemotherapy. That person will have a different kind of understanding of what the experience was like than we do.

■ Explore alternative treatment options, along with the advantages and disadvantages of each. “If I saw 10 different experts in my condition, how many would recommend the same treatment you are recommending?”

■ Take notes, and bring someone else to your appointments to be your advocate, ask the questions you may be reluctant to, and be your “accessory brain,” to help process the information we are trying to convey.


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