mostly links again


It looks like it will be a wet and windy walk to work this morning. The rain is crackling against the windows as I sit and type.  I have two remaining weeks of ballet classes. It’s probably only four days for me since this Friday and the following Friday I will not be needed. I have to ask the teacher of my noon class if I can but out early on Wednesday since I have a funeral at 1 PM.

It seems to have taken the entire semester for me to grow somewhat accommodated to this schedule. Yesterday and this morning I am not as exhausted as I have been. Still tired, but not exhausted.

Eileen and I had a nice chat with daughter Sarah yesterday afternoon. The the gods for the interwebs.


My Mother’s Keepers –

I pay more attention to these kinds of stories now that I’m keeping an eye on an aging parent.

Parental Involvement Is Overrated – –

Some counter intuitive findings that most of what conventional wisdom says works doesn’t in fact work.

Reclaiming the Words That Smear –

This article quotes two thinkers/writers I admire: Kathleen Hall Jamieson and Deborah Tannen.


Mark My Words. Maybe. –

Woman tattoos her arm on the break up of a bad marriage.


A Loyal Soldier Doesn’t Deserve This –

How long before people understand that mental illness is actually a disease?


Fred Ho, Saxophonist, Composer and Radical Activist, Dies at 56 –

Another dude to spotify.


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