morning report

I am resting a bit in front of the fan after doing the treadmill.

Last night I realized that I was reading a book of poet’s letters (John Berryman’s), had by my bedside a book of poetry by James Richardson and a fictionalized story of the poet Enderby. Hmmm.

I seem to be concentrating on my Mom these days. Starting to panic a bit about her old apartment full of stuff. Yesterday I skipped the treadmill and moved some of this stuff instead. Gave up looking for a tea pot my niece wants. It’s probably sitting on my porch right now in one of many boxes. I’ll get to it. The people at the local charity shop seem to be recognizing me as I drop off more and more of my Mom’s buy diazepam in spain stuff there.

I also created recovery disks for my Mom’s new laptop, unpacked and set up her printer and wireless mouse and installed and customized the browser she is familiar with (Mozilla). I fired up her old computer and imported links and set them up with the automatic logons. Then at the end of the day I discovered that her ATT modem seems to be secured. Oy. So while her fancy dancy new lap top worked nicely at my house I couldn’t get it to work last night. Will probably work on this today.

My Mom did get her new cell phone. She (and I) ordered her a jitterbug.

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