morning in Holland Michigan


I’m on hold with Metro Health where the Laurence McCahill, the oncologist I am expecting to do surgery on my head works.

In the meantime I woke up this morning thinking about doing some composing. The mood I’m in this morning is one of weird optimism. Last night, before I fell asleep, I wondered if I’m in some kind of denial since although frightened of dying soon I remain weirdly calm most of the time. Fodder for discussion with Dr. Birky, my therapist, on Friday, I guess.

Composing is something I do enjoy doing. I haven’t been doing so much of it. “Mental Floss” was my last piece. Instead I have immersed myself in the music of Phillip Glass, Scarlatti, Scheidt. and others including a charming little piece called Triptych by Ad Wammes.

The nurse just picked up. She recognized my name which is a good sign. She told me that they were waiting for a pathology report from U of M. This is a second review of my initial biopsy. She said she will call Friday no matter what to update me on what’s happening. This seems reasonable to me.

I have asked the choir to stay an extra half hour this evening so we can have more time for Christmas music. I might repeat this next Wednesday even though it’s Thanksgiving eve.

NYTimes: Should the Press Boycott Trump? Political Strategists Weigh In

Some wise words in this article.

The Library Book | Book by Susan Orlean | Official Publish

Orlean has popped up in podcasts and on PBS. I think she’s kind of pompous but the idea behind this book is interesting. It’s about a fire in a major L.A. library in 1986. Not sure how I missed it. I was in grad school that year. That’s probably it. I do love libraries.


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