more organ talk

So it turns out Dandrieu wrote two organ pieces (at least) based on the Easter tune, O Filii et Filiae. One is a Noel and one is an Offertoire. I have scheduled the Noel as the prelude this Sunday. I printed off the Offertoire linked in the previous post. It is the Offertoire that is being played in the Youtube video I embedded yesterday. I find an interesting difference in the melody in this pieces.

The Noel begins with the Alleuia phrase, the Offertoire puts the Alleluia phrase at the end of melody.

Both pieces elaborate on the melody in multiple sections. The Offertoire seems a bit more systematic in its variations for the most part getting more and more complex. The Noel however provides more contrasting variations. And it’s shorter.

I am thinking next year I will perform the Offertoire. I wonder if the Noel is incorrectly attributed to Dandrieu as it is not included in the IMSLP version. I will have to do a little research and see if I can find out.

As I prepare Sunday’s postlude, I have been wondering what was in my mind when I scheduled Bach’s lovely little setting of Christ lag in Todes Banden. It seems to be most effective when registered on 4 foot stops (these sound an octave higher than written).

Unfortunately it will probably be drowned out by the congregation’s chatter during a postlude. I may just do it anyway. I have been known to stubbornly play postludes that weren’t very loud.

I am still feeling post Holy Week fatigue. In fact, I think I have been much more tired this week because there was no adrenaline flowing like last week.

Today my Mom goes for a post Hospital visit check up. The only time I could get her in coincided with my ballet class this morning. The ballet department chair was kind enough to let me skip class.


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