more music videos

I woke up late this morning. Sarah, my daughter living in England, put a message on Facebook saying that it was already noon there and I hadn’t posted my daily blog.  My public awaits!

I received an email from the church bookkeeper that there was a check in my box. The church short-changed me $50 from my last wedding. And I have another wedding this Saturday. My boss said she would include the missing $50 in my next check.

Of course it was all confused and short the $50.

I emailed my boss, the bookkeeper and the church treasurer (who signs the checks).

My boss directed the bookkeeper to make out a check for the missing $50.

I spend more time than I am comfortable with begging people to pay me the money I think they owe me. Poor me, eh?

My wife used to have a bunch of 45s from her teen years.

When Napster was first available (The Celestial Jukebox, remember?), I tried to run down recordings of many these tunes.

Yesterday while filing numerous bills and receipts I ran across this old list. So I thought I would look on Spotify for them.

So far I have found only 5 tunes:

Butterfly and It Doesn’t Take Very Long by Andy Williams

Goodbye, Charlie by Patti Page

Cindy Oh Cindy by Vince Martin and the Tarriers

Hey Good Lookin” by Jo Stafford and Frankie Lane

I actually quite like the old tunes of my wife’s youth.

The social director from my Mom’s assisted living facility emailed me yesterday. Her July birthday party entertainment canceled. Could I do it? I checked my calendar and then told her yes. It’s today at 2:30 PM.


The Terror From Within –

“Most threats and violence tend to emerge from within a society, not from outside it. John F. Kennedy, Anwar el-Sadat and Yitzhak Rabin were all assassinated by their fellow countrymen. Cautious citizens may push for better street lighting, but they have more to fear from a spouse, ex-spouse, friend or co-worker than from a stranger on the street.”


Treat People With Respect, and Pack Duct Tape –

On my first trip to Japan, I met with seven Japanese businessmen. The gentleman who arranged the meeting also invited me to dinner that night with the group. At the end of the meeting, they thanked me and said goodbye with no mention of the dinner. I whispered to the person who set up the meeting and asked him about dinner plans. He was quite dismissive and said they were no longer available. I thought I must have offended them and I felt terrible about it. I went to go eat dinner by myself.

Several weeks later my business partner and I received a letter telling us the Japanese businessmen wanted to proceed and partner with us. I was astounded. I really thought I had screwed up. Years later I told the story to an American businessman who lived in Tokyo and was married to a Japanese woman. He explained that the guys I met with probably lived far from the city center and didn’t want to commute home late. Since they had already decided to go forward with us, there was no need to take me to dinner. If they had decided not to do business with us, they would have taken me to dinner so I wouldn’t be offended.”


Marshall McLuhan Speaks — Centennial 2011

Collection of videos of McLuhan


New York – Empire of Evolution –

Fascinating article about studying evolution in the city.


Triassic Extinction Caused by Methane Gas From Seafloor, Research Finds –

Another theory.


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