more insights from Lakoff

“Framing the truth so that it can be understood is not just central to honest, effective politics. It is central to every aspect of human life. It takes knowledge and honesty, skill and courage. It is part of being a full human being.” George Lakoff, The Political Mind

“Alan Greenspan, the former head of the Federal Reserve writes in his memoir, The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World, ‘I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: The Iraq war is largely about oil.’ ” George Lakoff, The Political Mind

“Greenspan even advised Bush that ‘taking Saddam Hussein out was essential’ to protect oil supplies.” George Lakoff, The Political Mind

“Human minds create a number of types of prototypes. Any important category has at least thee types of prototypes: a typical case, an ideal case, and a nightmare case.” George Lakoff, The Political Mind

“Then there is the salient exemplar: a well known case that stands out, perhaps because it is highly publicized.”George Lakoff, The Political Mind

“Reagan made the invented Welfare Queen into a salient exemplar, and used the example in discourse as if it were the typical case.”George Lakoff, The Political Mind


Adam Kirsch On The Literature Of David Foster Wallace | The New Republic


Kwame Anthony Appiah on Honour – Telegraph


How a Great American Painter Vanished From the Critical Scope | Sightings by Terry Teachout –


Americans Elect 2012 | About

An attempt to create a national primary and a new party online.


Facing gridlock and hysteria, the US may yet be reformed | Timothy Garton Ash | Comment is free | The Guardian

Interesting take from the U.K.


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