More boring day to day stuff (xpost)

Great. I bitch because I don’t have ways to discuss ideas with people and then I blog about goofy trivial day to day shit. Seems like my dissatisfaction might be my own responsibility, eh?

Anyway, I logged onto the college web site yesterday (Blackboard) and discovered that I was set up with an incorrect class online. Instead of setting me up with my Music Ap class and my Music Theory class, the powers that be had set me up with two Music Ap classes. This was my original contract offer which was changed for the convenience of another prof by the department.

I waited until after 8 AM to call them this morning. No answer by the phone message cheerfully invited me to call back between 8 AM and 5 PM Monday through Friday. After a little persistence I got an office assistant on the phone. She took my info and told me she was the only one in the office (sooprise sooprise). I hope they can fix this before Monday so I can get the materials I have been preparing up online.

Choir rehearsal went pretty well last night. I am beginning to think that the choir is suspecting that I might know what I am doing. I have felt like they support me emotionally and all that kind of stuff since I started. But they are beginning to treat my attempts at rehearsal procedure with a bit more respect. Nothing too earth shattering. I had more people talking directly to me in rehearsal last night than usual. They would request to go over a line that they (or tactfully someone nearby) was having problems with.

Also for once when the late people came in (people who actually had the courtesy to phone me ahead of time to tell me they were running behind) the group didn’t drop everything and make room for them.

This was hard for them. But I continued relentlessly rehearsing (my usual procedure when someone comes in late) and this time it was evident people were trying to keep up with me. A small thing, but significant in the arena of building rehearsal discipline (and hence better choral sound). Cool beans.

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