Monday report


Church went well yesterday. Jen was still off somewhere on a warm beach vacationing. After church Eileen and I walked home in falling fresh snow. It was quite lovely. The choir did a splendid job . I improvised a three part jazzy piano waltz on the opening hymn, “If thou but suffer God to guide thee,” for the prelude and a full blown organ chorale prelude on “Deck, thyself, my soul with gladness.” My cellist (who also sings in the choir) remarked that she thought I was playing a composed piece until she looked over and saw me working with the only hymnal in front of me. During the service I was thinking about doing a non-hymn based fanfare for the postlude, but changed my mind during the singing of “Deck, thyself,” as the second communion hymn. It is such a beautiful hymn.

After resting up a bit I returned to church to do more practicing and composing.

I still did not receive my first Sunday New  York Times. Yesterday was the third Sunday in row that I was expecting it and it did not come. When I reported it I asked for a redelivery of the paper today. Maybe that will help. I hope they don’t end up telling me that delivery is not available here In Holland, Michigan, anymore. The main reason  I have signed up this way is so that I can view the paper on what they call the Replica version. As far as I can tell the Replica version is only available as a free service to people who are actually getting the paper.  It would be just my luck to lose this access due to not being able to receive the Sunday paper. We’ll see.

I am expecting a couple of my valued colleagues (Jordan and Rhonda) for tea today. I hope that works out for them.

I submitted two weeks worth of Sundays this morning. Mary the parish administrator requested an extra week of info so that she can work ahead since she is taking some time off.


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