monday morning in helland


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I had fun at church yesterday. The associate pastor has been subbing for my boss the last two Sundays. Both Sundays she has seemed very impressed with the music. I think she had low expectations for praying in the basement. The strings really add a lot as does the choir. Both Sundays at the announcements (just before the Offertory where we sing our anthem), she has complimented me and the music. Yesterday just before the anthem, when I said to the choir that she keeps setting us up with high expectations, one of my sopranos (a former director of the group) remarked that it was a good thing we keep meeting them. I thought that was kind of cool.

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The choir itself was missing several singers.

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I had one bass, two sopranos, three tenors and three altos. the anthem was SAB . My one bass was fighting a cold or something. But the anthem came off well.

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Today I have told Eileen that I will take the cat to vet appointment since it is the same time she usually goes to the Evergreen Commons and exercises. I had to wake her yesterday so that she would have time to get ready for church. She isn’t up yet and I have to get the cat to the vet in 45 minutes. I don’t usually bother her in the morning unless she asks me to.

Unpublished Black History –

This is actually an article from a year ago. The NYT linked in to this article:

A Star at the Apollo, Out of Its Spotlight – The New York Times

I think both articles are kind of cool.

Vietnamese and Vietnamese American Lit: A Primer from Viet Thanh Nguyen | Literary Hub

Nguyen is a writer I admire. Here are his recommendations for other writers to look at.

In Neil Gorsuch’s Confirmations, Parsing the Meaning of ‘Yes’ – The New York Times

Both sides dissimulate. The right ,more than the left.

Wow. The more I learn about Bannon, the more disturbing I find it.



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