Monday in Easter Week

Whew. I mentioned to Eileen on the drive back from Whitehall that though I don’t think my church work is asking more energy from me, it is taking more out of me. I could use some time off this week, but it’s not in the cards.

I have a full schedule today of classes. And I need to get the house a bit less chaotic and prepped for the imminent arrival of my priestly brother.

I’m sure it will all come together just fine, but I am very exhausted this morning.

Besides all the church stuff yesterday, I spent a lot of time thinking about family systems. The annual Hatch (my wife’s maiden name) Egg Hunt is always fraught with the complexity of an extended family gathering.

I entered this family system in a pretty lousy way due to my own bad behavior years ago. Interestingly, I am only now feeling like that beginning is fading away from my place in the system. Now I’m the old uncle who welcomes other new people into the situation and tries to make people feel comfortable and connected to each other. Kids help.

Well that’s about all I have in my brain this morning. Here’s some links:


Mirage and reality in the Arab Spring – Opinion – Al Jazeera English


Shaun Tan’s Wild Imagination –


Book Review – The Information – By James Gleick –

Excerpt – The Information – By James Gleick –


God-A Poem by James Fenton


Vatican kicks out Roma on Easter


War Crimes Charges Anyone?: New Exposé of Big Oil’s Role in the Iraq War
James Ridgeway

War Crimes Charges Anyone?: New Exposé of Big Oil’s Role in the Iraq War

James Ridgeway


Britain, the Traitor Nation: Media Disinformation and Crimes against Humanity in Libya


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