mission accomplished

The temperatures have been in the 50s today, but this seems warm for November in Michigan. It’s also drizzling rain. Of course I love rain.

I jumped in the car and went to the library to pick up some interlibrary loans, then I was off on search for turkey both real and faux. My daughter Elizabeth; her husband, Jeremy; and the illustrious Alexandra, their progeny, my own grand daughter will be coming to our house for Thanksgiving next week end. They are all vegetarians like me. I say “like me,” but we do it a little differently. They tend to eat more processed food than I allow myself. But I have to credit Elizabeth with teaching me how to be a vegetarian without being insufferable.

Last time I was at Meijer they had neither a small frozen turkey breast for Eileen nor tofurkey for the rest of us. Today i decided to check a couple of other stores and was successful. I found the turkey for Eileen at Family Fare and the faux stuff at Nature’s Market. I put gas in the car and my mission was complete.

I recently discovered that RISM – RĂ©pertoire International des Sources Musicale is online and free. This was an important tool for my graduate study. I’m not sure how much I used it only I knew of it and it was referred to in my reading and learning.

C.P.E. Bach: The Complete Works is an incredible source for C.P.E. info and sheet music I found recently. I’m still plowing through his letters and biography. He was quite the composer. I am also playing his pieces at the piano. Very enjoyable.

That’s enough for today. I’m in the mood for reading and playing piano. Today I’m thinking Fanny Mendelssohn and Bartok, but we will see.

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