made it to california

So we made it to California with no problem. Four AM was a bit on the early side for rising. But since we were only driving to the Grand Rapids Airport it was no big deal. Eileen and I were both a bit stunned to be up that early.

Not much to report out here. My son’s fam is good. His new house is luxurious and everyone looks good.

Trying not to think about my work. I feel that I am a bit on the burned out side. It’s good to be somewhere I have no responsibilities and no place to go.

My son has a huge HD tv on the wall and cable. As well as a beautiful pool in his backyard. I jumped in last night with him and the grand-kids and their cousins. Pretty much wore me out.

David managed to get his wifi working for us….. cool beans.

I’m reading my grandson’s copy of the second volume of the Percy Jackson series…. He has told me that the third and fourth volume are the good ones, but that I need to read them in order.

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0 thoughts on “made it to california

  1. Pictures would be nice. Maybe we could incorporate a pool at your home with the renovation. Have fun while you can.

    1. The omission of photos is intentional. My son has some strong anxieties about exposure of himself and his family online. It’s difficult for me to determine what he is comfortable with so I tend to err on the side of restraint. If I feel like it’s cool there will definitely be pics forthcoming. Facebook is where I usually post pics but then I might put a few here as well.

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