Lost Verizon


So, there is no Verizon phone service at the cottage we are staying. I’m writing from a charming little book store/wine bar/coffee shop in Whitehall.

I have been here a few times in the last couple of years. I came in to town during the last cottage trip for an internet fix. Then earlier this year, Eileen and I stopped on our way after dropping off Edison at Eileen’s Mom’s for the annual Jenkins trip to the Hatch cabin. http://www.thebooknookjavashop.com/

They run music here as you can see above.

This will be a short blog. It’s possible I won’t post again until Sunday. I am enjoying staying at the cottage with Eileen and Barb. Very relaxing. Doing a lot of reading. I brought my  electric buy apaurin diazepam piano and rehearsed Sunday’s postlude. I tend to pick out music that has little need to rehearse pedal parts when I’m in the situation of not counting on having an organ to practice on.

I’m playing a postlude by the music historian, Charles Burney.

It’s a charming little fugue in F minor. English organs from this period  (18th century) didn’t have much in the way of pedals. At least I think that’s true.

I think I own Burney’s history of music.

At any rate, it’s sitting online.

But enough of this, I want to read some of today’s paper before I have to go back to the wilderness.

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