little wedding report

Jeremy Bastien and Emily Jenkins, married yesterday

I drove home last night from Ann Arbor after my niece’s wedding. This morning I am sipping coffee and writing in my off line journal. I had a very good time at this wedding. Family events always present opportunities for me to ponder. I do that best in my journal.

I am stealing pics off Facebook. Not always clear who took what.

my nephew Ben Jenkins

Here’s a short excerpt from my journal entry this morning:

There were dozens of jack o lanterns, uncut pumpkins and gourds strategically placed all over their property. I watched Jeremy put the the last two pumpkins on large poles erected on either side of the gate to their yard. The pumpkins themselves were a lovely blend of soft yellowish brown. He sat them on plates of a similar hue which were mounted on the poles which were themselves a blending color. It was a very beautiful and satisfying combination and a typical small detail.

To the right of the the gate extends a fence. On the posts someone (presumably Jeremy) had put smaller carved pumpkins. The faces on these little jack o lanterns were charming and friendly. One looked very successfully like a cartoon cat smiling. These all were turned away from the road (unless there were faces on both sides, I didn’t check) so that they seemed to be placed to greet visitors as they left.

This wedding was definitely the expression of the two individuals.

Emily had her horse students around as servers and gofers. The property is so country feeling, very much Emily the artisan who does all kinds of very cool crafts like weaving and making wool from sheep. In fact she has plans to raise sheep which Eileen pointed out makes it sound like she’s not moving away soon.

Jeremy’s touch was everywhere. Each sign was in his distinctive graphic novel hand. There were two stuffed chairs under a tree (one of which I recognized as from my family) with a wooden sign over it marked “Respite.” There lights strung on trees. There were hanging cut glass pieces with lit candles in them. It was a lot like being present in one of Jeremy’s comic books.

So a fine time was had by all. The food was good. My pesto worked.  One woman was particularly hilarious about it when she tasted it and remarked that she didn’t like it, but she was sure it was good if you liked that sort of thing. Heh.

Onward to church today. Life is good.

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