little update and some links

Yesterday I had sort of a morale problem after a weird discussion with a Hope college person. Probably not appropriate to get into it here. But I think I must have thin skin. But no matter. Onward and upward.

I listened to the overture to Midsummernight’s Dream by Mendelssohn while treadmilling this morning.

Also watched the score which I recently purchased used. Much easier to understand the form watching the full score. Then I listened to Vampire Weekend. Good exercising music, I think.

Rehearsal with Nate went very well yesterday. That gig is shaping up nicely. I am even thinking again of putting my sheet music online. Silly I know when so few people read music these days. In the novel I am reading, “The Child Garden” by Geoff Ryan, everyone can read music because the skill (along with tons of other information) are implanted into their bodies via viruses. Pretty cool that Ryan came up with all this in 1995. This is a good read by the way. Anyway, I uploaded the first couple of songs this morning. So here’s links to pdfs of them: Deja Vu pdf & Naked Boy pdf.

I am putting want to buy valium Creative Commons Copyright permissions on them. It’s the least I can do since I am using music off the free sheet music sites online.

Reading online stuff. Article in the NYT on the way researchers have signing research that was written by pharmaceutical companies.

Senator moves to stop scientific ghost-writing by Natasha Singer. Boy there’s a shock.

Speaking of dishonesty, there was another NYR article about how the lobbiest, Bonner and Associates, wrote fake letters purportedly from charities to congresspeople. Och. More Fake Letters to Congress on Climate Change by Stephanie Strom.

From a distant comet a clue to life by Kenneth Chang says that scientists have verified that there were amino acids on comets. Very cool.

I like this guy’s attitude: There’s Radiohead and Mozart but no Pop Sluts by Bryce Hallett in the Sydney Morning News.

Speaking of Radiohead, I haven’t gotten around to downloading their new song (post Harry Patch). Here’s a link to the portal where you can get it. All very on the up and up, you know.

Last but not least, “More than 1,000 audience members play their ukeles at BBC Prom” by on Telegraph web site.

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