little Sunday afternoon report


It’s in the 40s here in Holland. This is quite the change from this week when we had temps below zero. Eileen and I sloshed to church on foot.

We had some good hymnody this morning. I had reset James Quin’s text “Word of God, come down on earth” to the mdeloy Liebster Jesu.  I had Mary leave the prelude blank for this morning. I have been asking her to put in “Improvisation” when I am planning to do that. But by leaving it blank I could play a composition is I decided to do so. Which is what I did this morning. I love Bach’s setting of the melody for the opening hymn so that was this morning’s prelude.

The choir’s anthem was a lovely little think in our library by Mozart. They sounded good on it.

My boss’s cat was dieing this morning so she had Jim Steen her assistant take the service by himself. He was scheduled to celebrate and she to preach. I like Jim quite a bit. He is a gentle soul and smart too. I think it’s excellent that my boss has such a good resource in him that she can skip services without worrying about it.

I came up with a decent improvisation for this morning’s postlude based on the last hymn, “Spread, O spread, thou mighty word.”

Image result for crazy pipe organ player

My Sunday New York Times was supposed to be on my doorstep this morning. I have begun having the Sunday paper delivered. At least that’s the plan, but it wasn’t there this morning. The web site said they would credit $5 for it on my account. I’m on a special 25 week subscription which gives me the Sunday for $5 a week. After that it goes back up to $10.

Eileen and I went out for lunch today after church. It’s been a heckova week what with my colonoscopy on Tuesday and the big snow storm.

Deadline Detroit – 100 Years Later, Dearborn Confronts the Hate of Hometown Hero

Apparently the author of this article was fired for writing it and the mayor of Dearborn attempted to censor the entire issue of the little paper where it was presented. Bad plan. It was reported in the Sunday New York Times. I bet the mayor is sorry he brought to national attention.

Image result for new york times replica edition

By the way, I do like using the Replica edition of the New York Times. I still think it’s a backward looking format. But it’s probably the best digital organization I have seen yet.


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