little afternoon blog


I spent the morning at church working on planning. This is going pretty well. I am doing it a bit differently this year. I am doing a detailed plan for every Sunday instead of just sketching in hymns and/or anthems. I’m going so far as to pick organ music as well. Today I made good progress and am planned through the middle of October. My idea is to continue this planning into the season, maybe working on it more intensely for the next couple of weeks before our first choir rehearsal.  But after that making chipping away at it part of how I spend my weekly time.

I received a big box of used organ music in the mail today that I purchased from my former teacher, Craig Cramer. I notice a lot of it (especially the French Classical and Spanish Baroque) is pretty easy and would fit easily into my new rubric of playing more easy (but not less interesting or rewarding) music.

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Boy we are eating good these days. I have been purchasing local camembert and chevre. It is excellent spread on bread. For lunch I melted some local smoked gouda on roasted pablano peppers. Oy! Peaches are in and are excellent eating. Eileen stayed up after I went to bed and made more jam. This time she used huckleberries out of the freezer.

Tomorrow she is going up to Montague to spend time with our friend, Barb Philips at a cabin on the water. I opted not to go with her, since I have stuff I need to do here in Holland. Rhonda is coming over in the afternoon for tea and duet playing.

Life is good.

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