

So this morning I’m catching up on sharing recent links.

‘A Great Moment’: Rover Finds Methane, a Clue That Mars May Harbor Life – NYT

“an oh my gosh moment”!

Family of Former Marine Held in Iran Issues Plea for Obama Not to Forget Him – 

” Amir Hekmati” from Flint Michigan.

Tortured by Psychologists and Doctors –

This Op Ed piece is where I learned details of the two shrinks who devised torture methods for the CIA and based it on the concept of “learned helplessness.” This is unspeakably immoral.

Arnaldo Momigliano – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

David MacCulloch mentions this man and commends him as a historian. I bookmarked this to remember to check him out.

Bill Withers Might Play at Hall of Fame Induction | Rolling Stone

Wow. For some reason I thought Withers was dead. Bookmarked this interview to read. I keep going back this man’s music.

Review: D’Angelo’s ‘Black Messiah’ –

Must remember to “Spotify” this music.

Dodd-Frank Damaged in the Budget Bill –

The Masters of the Universe, it turns out, are a bunch of whiners. But they’re whiners with war chests, and now they’ve bought themselves a Congress.

The Internet, Not the Labels, Hurt the Music Industry –

Not entirely convincing, but still interesting and informative.

America, Who Are We? –

Charles Blow puts in a powerful pitch for active citizenship.

What People Buy Where –

A report on a study of how purchases reflect personal understandings of one’s social status regionally. It turns out that where you live makes all the difference.


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