life's little trials

This has been a heckuva week for me. The most significant thing that happened was a I helped my mother check herself into a psych ward on Thursday. She has been struggling ever since coming back from her visit to my extended family in California.  Having her in professional hands is a huge relief for me. In the meantime, I have been doing tons of leg work for her stuff. My Dad continues to fail. He was temporarily put on oxygen on Friday. He fell on Thursday but thankfully no broken bones. 

Plus tonight is the last of six evenings of rehearsals and performances of “Guys and Dolls” at Grand Haven High School. I assist the pit orchestra at the piano.

I’m sort of the assistant director. I follow the script closely and fill in missing parts and entrances. This show has really come together better than any I have worked with at Grand Haven High. Not sure why. I know that the choral director has done a pretty phenomonal job at prepping the singers. 

Today I rest so I can get through this evening and tomorrow morning’s church service.

Then Monday I have a ton of leg work to do regarding my parent’s medication application. The lawyer sprang to life on Friday. Bad timing for me but I’ll take it. I was in his office on Friday giving him more papers and discussing the necessary steps to take in the next few days before THIS month ends.

The social security office is still not answering the phone or responding to faxes. This is bad because applicants are under monthly deadlines that have significant implications for their life in retirement. But you know the government: fuck the little people. Typical.

Life’s little trials. Heh.

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