less words in this pictureless blog for you to read


I have been taking too much time doing my blog posts. While I enjoy this, I can see an impending schedule which will require me to be a bit more judicious.  This morning I spent an hour or so on Greek, then read in my Dieterich Buxtehude bio, listened to a Buxtehude cantata with score on screen (I love the interwebs), went to the Farmers Market, came home and laid in bed with wife and read online articles (some of which are linked below), had late breakfast with beautiful wife and only now am getting to my daily blog.

I really only have a half hour for this because I want to exercise before noon when I am able since this seems to tire me out a bit less than doing around 4 PM as I have been.

Yesterday I was trying to pick out organ music for a week from Sunday. I found a little piece by Charles Ore based on the sequence hymn (tune name: Bourbon). The closing hymn will be Jerusalem Hymnal 1982 style by Parry. I have been listening to the hoary old English dudes like Holst a lot.

I went down to the office at church and logged on IMSLP and found some cool stuff. A piano transcription of Mars from Holst’s Planets (pdf), a reduced score of the Second Suite for Military band (link to pdf), an organ transcription of movements from the First Suite by Holst (you have to scroll down for them)  and some organ pieces by Stanford which seem to fit the mood of Parry as well (pdf). I chose one of those. Hey. Cool.

1. [Talk]: African musicians in search of the ‘Chinese Dream’: beyond the narratives

1.5 hour video embedded here that looks interesting to me. Maybe I’ll watch it sometime.

2. Put Down That Bucket of Ice Water. Read Lou Gehrig’s Story. Learn About the Science

One of the articles I read in bed this morning. I learned more details about Gehrig’s story from it.

3. To Avoid the Multiverse, Physicists Propose a Symmetry of Scales | Simons Foundation

This one blew my brains. Again in bed this morning. See why I’m rushed?

4. Why Liberal Pundits Are Wrong About the Perry Indictment 

As I said when I posted this on Facebooger, this article changed my mind about the story.

5. A Terrorist Horror, Then Golf: Incongruity Fuels Obama Critics – NYTimes.com

I know President Obama is getting shit for this. But it only reminds me of Friedman’s insight years ago that our stuck society will routinely attack people who attempt to lead.

6. Study Finds That Brains With Autism Fail to Trim Synapses as They Develop –

Some recent autistic science… again I learned stuff.

7. Housing Restrictions Keep Sex Offenders in Prison Beyond Release Dates – 

Whenever I read about sex offenders who have served their time and still face weird restrictions I am reminded that there are truly those who are repressed in our country due to who they are and will not be able to reenter our society at all. Link to review of book I have read: Loss Memory of Skin by Russell Banks on this topic.

8. Hawks Crying Wolf – NYTimes.com

The main thing I got from this article was this:

They should be listened to politely — good manners are always a virtue — then ignored.

I think this also describes a pattern of behavior I would like to cultivate, whether in person on online.

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