last week before returning to work


Today, Eileen and I visited the Farmers Market here in Holland. We really have a pretty good one here and it is growing and improving. We bought trout and basil among many other things. After we got back, we spoke with Sarah and Lucy in England via Google Hangouts while I prepared the trout and made pesto using the basil. We had trout and salad for lunch. Buying local can be scrumptious.

Sarah is about three months pregnant. My grand daughter Lucy has apparently put in an order for a brother. “A boy” is what she wants. She seems to remember us from our visit. That’s nice.

I was tickled to learn recently that my grandson, Nicholas, has managed to obtain his driver’s license. This has got to make his and his family’s life better. His sister, Savannah, will be getting hers soon.

I’m packing as much vacating as possible in this my last full week of vacation. I am getting deeper into the Homeric Greek study. The recent ancient book that surface in my library which has the first eight books of the Odyssey in Greek is proving invaluable via excellent footnotes.

The Greek study is tying nicely to other summer projects like reading Ezra Pound, James Joyce, and Dante.

I just spent over an hour or so leisurely working on today’s four lines of the Odyssey. I’m hoping to keep at it after I get back to work but I may have to cut back to two lines a day. I’ve also been looking at my old Greek texts that I have sort neglected while I have been working on the Odyssey. I was very happy that I seem to have retained much of what I learned from them. I would love to return to that approach as well as slowly reading through the Odyssey.

Life is good.

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