Ben and Tony arrived yesterday. That’s the entire crew this year. Emily and Jeremy declined the invitation.
Staying the cabin has elements of traveling into the past. Most of the Jenkins clan have spent some time up here. This includes my deceased Father, my Mom, all of my children, some of their significant others. I don’t think any of my grandchildren have made it here. They live all over the world which is cool but I do miss seeing them more often. (Guilt trip for all my kids reading, Hi!)
Small children often enter my dreams as do friends and family members. I remember last night in a dream I was admiring a child who was admiring the beauty of the night sky.
Toni Morrison In Conversation | Granta Magazine
I love this writer. Bookmarked to read.
Mark recommended this news source. I have subscribed to a couple of their email updates.
Want to Get Rid of Trump? Only Fox News Can Do It – The New York Times
Home grown American state run media, eh?
50k ‘Gen Z’ Students Identify as Republican – Hispanic Heritage Foundation
The incorrect headline is enough to discredit this website and its study. If you read the article, the 50K is the number of people surveyed. There are breakdowns by categories. Trump is doing a lot of leading but I’m not sure the headline writer read or understood the article. It looks like Tiana Lowe the author of the National Review article not only did not understand the study, but draws weird inferences from CNN to Reddit.
Alabama Shakes’ Brittany Howard Starts New Band: Bermuda Triangle : All Songs Considered : NPR
Apparently the above photo with my hero, Brittany Howard, in the center is part of speculation about a new band. Cool.
Episode 37: This Is Your Brain On Politics—Or Why Progressives Lose | Working Life
I now subscribe to this podcast. I haven’t listened to this episode yet but it’s intriguing.