I haven’t blogged much lately. I’m expecting to blog less with my lovely daughters visiting and that is proving to be the case.
Elizabeth arrived safely and in good humor (as usual) on Thursday. We had a nice meal out together. Sarah will be coming in this evening. It will be fun to have them both around.
Elizabeth has recommended I think about purchasing a laptop instead of a new net book. She about has me convinced (not that she’s trying to convince me).
She recently purchased a laptop which is very fast, light and compact.
She paid around $900. My church is buying me a new netbook. I emailed my boss and told her I was thinking of switching from net books to lap tops and maybe the church shouldn’t buy a net book. I ran the idea of them purchasing me a new lap top. Or going in half with me on mine. Or not.
Went to the doctor yesterday for my six month check up. I was actually working on a blog there but somehow didn’t save it. My blood pressure zoomed up but my doctor was convinced that it was just “fear” since my daily readings were much much lower.
Over all she seemed pretty pleased with my health.
Listened to my heart and told me it sounded good (I have some damage in my heart that she found via a sonogram thingo a few years ago).
I have upped my treadmill time goal to 35 minutes of elevated pulse time. This means that I will warm up for 5 minutes, do 35 minutes of elevated pulse and then warm down for 5 minutes.
I changed this because one of my ballet teachers made the comment that 35 minutes were necessary to receive the most cardiovascular benefit. My doctor confirmed it.
Michigan’s Affirmative Action Ban Is Ruled Unconstitutional – NYTimes.com
Getting my Michigan news from New York Times.
Xi Jinping Offers Few Hints of a Shift in Direction in China – NYTimes.com
Li Keqiang Named China’s Prime Minister – NYTimes.com
Two informative reports about the recent political meeting in China.
Israeli Attacks Are Test of Loyalty for Egypt’s Morsi – NYTimes.com
I didn’t realize that Egypt had refused Hamas requests to allow them to cross border.
Killing of Student Further Sullies Kenyan Police – NYTimes.com
Wow. Kenyan police sound corrupt.
BP Will Plead Guilty and Pay Over $4 Billion – NYTimes.com
Will be interesting to see if this actually plays out.
Adultery, an Ancient Crime Still on Many Books – NYTimes.com
I learned the etymology of “adultery” from this interesting article.