keeping on trying to trust

Picture 50

The photographer let the mask drop

when he realized Eileen and I were not going to buy pictures.

He went quickly from hearty

to sullen,

from quipping

to soft grunts of assent.

I suppose it’s natural for sales people to want to charm, to engender a light almost trusting moment.

I am chagrined how I fall for people’s masks over and over.

But I think it’s better (for me at least) to try not to let my own ever present cynicism take over and keep trying to trust people.


How Do You Raise a Prodigy? –

Have bookmarked this to read. Thanks to Peter Kurdziel for pointing this article out on Facebook.


Russian Band in Trademark Dispute –


Iran Sanctions Take Toll on Medical Imports –

The law of unintended consequences.


Cloisters (Dennis Aubrey) « Via Lucis Photography

This web site is amazing. The people behind it travel, take pictures and tell history. Very cool.


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