keep the devil way down in the hole

Eileen, Barb Phillips, and I went to hear the Blind Boys of Alabama perform last night. They did the tune, “Way Down in the Hole.” We were happily surprised because we hadn’t remembered that this tune was used as the theme song for the first season of the tv series, “The Wire.”

This was a TV series that both Eileen and I enjoyed watching. I’m not much for TV but I liked the fact that this series took a long look at differing aspects of the city of Baltimore from its streets to its docks to its backroom politics. The ironic point is that all the players were struggling in similar ways with similar dilemmas. Bad guys and good guys at all levels.

The tune is actually by Tom Waits. I like his version as well.

Worth a listen.


I have been over-saturated with the babbling incoherent rhetoric of our public discussions in the USA.  I try to stay informed. But I am developing a very low tolerance for the hyperbolic.  I have had it with deliberately provocative speech. I am exhausted and disgusted with  dishonesty which ranges from manipulative to plain lying. So needless to say the insane coverage of the 10th anniversay of 9/11 is something I am trying not to pay too much attention to.

But FWIW, here are a few links.

Critique of coverage is always interesting to me:

Whistling Past the Wreckage of Civil Liberties

The ‘Worst of the Worst’?


Here is a good aggregate page of articles from Real Clear World:

John Dean: A Dud From ‘Darth’ – Book Review – Truthdig

Even though this article is polemical, I can’t resist adding it. It’s a review of Cheney’s new book:

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