just another day


Yesterday was a bit of a crazy one.   Spent the day wondering if I was going to have to take my Mom to ER. She wasn’t feeling up to her hearing aid appointment, so I had to cancel that. Thankfully by the end of the day her symptoms were abating and she didn’t need to go to the ER.

Called the roofing guy. He reluctantly came over and checked out the roof his company had installed. Predictably he said it wasn’t the roof but the “flashing” that was leaking. What I should do, he said, is do some calking. Right. Thanks a lot, dude.

The Subaru ended up having all kinds of things wrong with it. Not the battery, but the engine needed tuning up, the head gasket was busted, water was leaking into the electrical system causing the locks to constantly go on and off (THAT’s  what that was!), the ignition was bad and the brakes are shot. We had about $500 of all of that done. Needless to say that didn’t include repairing the brakes or replacing the head gasket, both big ticket items.

I’m out of nose drops (that are actually for my ears but I put them in my nose). I went in the morning in person to Meijers to request the renewal of my subscription. The woman said that would be available after 4.  When I asked why it took so long she said the computers were down.

After planning hymns for the next two weeks I decided it would be much better to switch the Episcopal software RiteSong (which has all of the music to all  of the current hymnals and supplements on it) from my  desktop to my laptop.

I installed it on the laptop and got as far as attempting to enter the correct unique serial number. It balked as I expected it to. I called support and they said they would email me a key but it would take a while because their computers were down.

I went to church a couple of times yesterday to practice and choose organ music to learn for upcoming Sundays. Since the gospel this Sunday has the “Our Father” in it, I thought it would be clever to play a couple pieces based on the Lutheran Chorale tune: “Unser vater.” This was Luther’s metrical version of the “Our Father.”

I chose to learn Bach’s setting in the Orgelbüchlein. I do love the  Orgelbüchlein. I also found a very lovely simple setting by Gerald Near and decided to schedule that.

For the next Sunday I landed on a setting of the opening hymn, “All my hope on God is founded” (tune: Michael), by Andrew Clarke. I like the way he writes.

For the postlude I was thinking of possibly scheduling Parry’s setting of Hanover (O Worship the King) even though we are not singing the hymn that day.

I stopped over at my friend Rhonda’s house to chat a bit about Monday’s meeting and showed her Parry’s setting. It’s long and kind of goofy and I wondered what she would think of it. She assented that it was “legit.”

Good enough.


2 thoughts on “just another day

  1. So i was reading your daily journal and had a “wait….what?” moment. The drops are for your ears but go in your nose correct? Just checking.

  2. This is correct. They contain a drug (Fluticasone) which my Ear, Nose, and Throat guy recommended. I understand that it helps the nasal passages stay moist and thereby reduces the number of ear infections. I have had a number of these. When they occur the main symptom is that my inner ear seems stuffed up and I can’t hear well. These drops seem to help.

    By the way, thanks for reading!

    love from Dad

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