jupe's time off comes to a close

The funeral yesterday lasted for two hours. I began my prelude about a half hour beforehand.  The place was packed with mourning family, professors from the local college arrayed in academic gowns, students and others.  There were two or three extra speakers at the homily time all of which were pretty eloquent.  The singing was so strong I had difficulty keeping up with it with my small organ. Afterwards I was pretty drained.

I came home and sought refuge in the mind numbing task of putting my picture files in some sort of order on my exterior hard drive. I have my MP3s pretty organized. I have most of my Finale (music notation) files organized at this point. But I haven’t touched the pictures yet. Both the collection of pictures and of sheet music I have made are huge.  I figure any organizing I do is beneficial because when I look for something I can begin with my organization and then proceed to look through random files.

For treadmilling I read through a couple of articles by my Dad and a couple of of his old sermons. I had sent them to my son earlier by email. He requested more of my Dad’s prose. I sent him all of the articles which I suspect he saw excerpted in a previous post. And he asked for Dad’s sermons, so I sent him a random sample. Then I thought I should read through what I sent.

While I treadmilled, I also baked another quiche for our supper.  Comcast’s internet and phone service seemed to be intermittent yesterday. I managed to get my Mom’s bills done online and balance both her checking account and Eileen’s and mine before it went down.

My week off from ballet class is coming to a close.  I think I managed to get some relaxing in this week, especially mentally. The funeral yesterday took quite a bit out of me. But the weekend looks doable.  Then back to my more full schedule I guess.

I’m feeling kind of numb this morning, so I think I’ll close with an article I found interesting and revealing about my grandfather, Ben Jenkins.


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One thought on “jupe's time off comes to a close

  1. hey, can I have the stuff you sent David too?
    I was thinking of responding to that post – you said you thought that was “enough for today” and I was going to say I can’t get enough, and please keep posting more.

    i love you!

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