jupe takes pics on a walk and preps harpsichord upgrade




I walked to my Mom’s nursing home yesterday. I love taking pictures with my phone.


As I was walking taking these pics, I was reminded of doing the same thing when I was a young man. It’s something I like to do, I guess.


It was a beautiful brisk late fall day.



Earlier in the day, I had decided to set up things to work on my harpsichord.


After reviewing the instructions, I think I know the next step I need to take.


I was very proud of myself for finding the X-acto knife and blades in the mess in my basement workroom. I will need these for the next step.


I was very relieved to find all the material was still there in my box of stuff to upgrade the jacks.


I found the special magnifying glass I had purchased for this project. The block of wood is necessary to cut plectrum (the tiny thing that plucks the string).

I hope I’m not jinxing myself by writing about this on my blog. I want to chip away at this project and see if I can get my harpsichord back!





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