I pulled out my banjo this weekend and played it to help with the Hosanna sung at the beginning of the Palm Sunday service. I enjoyed this. I was surprised that my lack of calluses didn’t seem to be much of an issue.
As I mentioned a couple of days ago, I have been listening to the Pentangle and thinking about how I developed my taste for medieval music and other musics. This morning I listened to solo albums I know well by John Renbourn and Bert Jansch.
When I heard Renbourn playing Bransle Gay, it reminded me that I never did learn this piece well despite loving it.
All of this is to say that I pulled out my nylon string guitar today, brought it to room temp, and then tuned it and played a bit. I never stopped loving the guitar, only playing it. When I opened the case, I was amused to find a palm from Palm Sunday (probably last year). I think I might be inspired to pick up my guitar and banjo again for the lovely hell of it.
During my organ practice yesterday afternoon, I thought about what to play for Easter II. Naji Hakim has written a piece based on “O Sons and Daughters.” This is the hymn about Thomas the doubter that we sing every Easter II since that’s the gospel.
I pulled out Hakim piece and also one of Dandrieu’s two sets of variations on it.
The Hakim captured my imagination. It’s a bit of a handful, but I probably could learn it in time. However, he barely quotes the melody. Dandrieu is much more accessible that way.
I decided to learn both pieces, but use the Dandrieu for Easter II. It’s an Offertoire which is essentially theme and 11 variations. These are very short. At this point, I’m planning on Theme plus 5 variations for the prelude and the remaining 6 variations for the postlude. This French Classical music sits wonderfully on the Pasi and both it and Hakim will be fun to learn and perform.
Eileen has jumped into her Mini and driven up to Whitehall for a visit with her Mom. it’s a beautiful day for a drive. I didn’t skip my martini last night, but was glad to see that my BP and weight are continuing to fall. This evening I probably will skip it.
Poem: “You’re Dead, America” By Danez Smith
I finished reading Danez Smith’s book of poetry, Don’t Call Us Dead, this morning. I think he is a good poet. The linked poem was one that I liked. These lines hit me:
the man from TV
is gonna be president
he has no words& hair beyond simile
you’re dead, America& where you died
grew something worse –