jupe rambles on


Wednesdays are proving to be the day of my heaviest work load. Some of this is I keep shoving all the tasks to that day. Yesterday, I finished picking choir music for the rest of the year and the June recital. There are some ambitious choices, but the choir seemed pumped last night. This group is as good as it ever has been under my direction and it is quite good.

We are singing a bit of an odd anthem Sunday. It’s Hosanna! Blessed is He! by Ralph E. Maryott. I found it in the extensive choral library at my church. This library extends back for generations. I have found that some of these older anthems are fun for the group and the composers know a thing or two about writing for voices.

This is a bit of a rambunctious piece for the second Sunday of Lent. However, the gospel ends with Jesus proclaiming ?And I tell you, you will not see me until the time comes when you say, ‘Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.'” And most of this anthem is the phrase,”Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.” It can be done a Capella and this makes it sound a bit more Lenten.

The choir sounds great unaccompanied on this piece.

Laurie noticed that the opening hymn we rehearsed had “Alleluia” in it. Oops. I sent off a different suggestion this morning before Eileen and I went to the dermatologist.

I had an appointment for him to completely remove a spot on my back. He said today that the cancer I had was the most benign form of skin cancer.

Eileen and I had enough time to go out for breakfast before my trio rehearsal. The trio worked hard on the Clara Schumann piece we are playing at church a week from this Sunday. Despite being exhausted on Thursdays I enjoy working with these two very fine musicians, Amy and Dawn.

They have a slight tendency to let me lead which I resist. Usually I’m talkative due to fatigue, but I’m wary of stepping outside of my role as one of the trio since I’m convinced we need to meet in the music and all of us be equal in collaborating the final interp.

I fear some of the tendency is that simple fact that I am male. Anyway, the other two players are very good humored and gracious. At the same time they are fiercely good players. It’s a nice combo for all of us.

NYTimes: The Court and the Cross

Linda Greenhouse, always insightful.

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