jupe plays a little hookey


I have been working on Bach’s Prelude in F minor BWV 534 for a few days. I was thinking I might need it for the postlude next Sunday. I mistakenly thought that my scheduled postlude was sort of ruled out because the hymn it was based on was one I chose as a last minute substitution for a wrong hymn in last Sunday’s bulletin.

But I was wrong. So I can keep the schedule postlude and work on Bach for another week before scheduling it. I decided that I wanted to get some more meaty material into my organ practice. That’s why I started working on the Bach.

But since my scheduled organ music for this Sunday is not that difficult, I took advantage of this fact and stayed entirely away from church yesterday (playing a little hookey from organ practice).


Instead I finished the quilling step of refurbishing my old harpsichord. This step involves inserting a quill (plectrum) into the jack, trimming it so that it just touches the string and plopping down in its slot.

For the next step I need a hand drill. Ours died recently. So another of my goals yesterday was to visit at least one local thrift shop and look for a used drill. Eileen and I did this. No dice.

They did have a used small floor sander for 7 bucks. But it didn’t seem to be what I needed. I will be using the drill with a sanding device to shorten the jacks. That’s the next big step.


I did find a couple pieces of music to buy. The book pictured above was owned by the former Organ Prof at Hope, Roger Davis.


There are a few marks in it that show that someone had taken a few lessons using it, possibly from Davis. This is a bit odd because Davis’s claim to fame was penning a respectable organ study book himself.

Today doesn’t look too bad. I have 2 classes to play for, 2 meetings at church, and an evening rehearsal. No hookey today.

2 thoughts on “jupe plays a little hookey

  1. Did you check out that shop that has all used hardware? I think it’s called Redemption Hardware? Just down from Bibles for Mexico on the North Side. But if you need a tool to borrow, you should ask Mark. He has lots, and is always saying he thinks the American concept of everyone buying a complete set of their own things, which they use only occasionally, is silly.

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