jupe meds, more friedman, and happy idiots


I ran out of blood pressure meds during Holy Week. The prescription had expired of course. I called my doctor but the phone robot said the whole process is now automatic between pharmacy and doctor.

The pharmacy contacts the doctor and the doctor okays the refill. I called for a refill last Friday but hadn’t heard anything by this morning.

I registered for the NYGoodHealth online pharmacy info and discovered I was using an old prescription number. Apparently, my prescription has been sitting waiting for me since last Thursday but I wasn’t inquiring about the correct prescription number. It looks like they automatically refilled it and did not contact me.

I only missed two days of meds. My blood pressure has been low until this morning when it was only mildly high (138/96). So I guess I’ll pick up meds today. Sheesh.

I was truly exhausted yesterday but managed to get through my ballet accompaniment okay. I even managed to treadmill for the first time in three days.

My head is still spinning from the last six days.

Hopefully I will begin to recover from this nonsense soon.

I have seen some interesting child behavior the last week or so.

Children out of control. Parents oblivious. For what it’s worth it reminded me of this section of Friedman.

Children who work through the natural problems of maturing with the least amount of emotional or physical residue are those whose parents have made them LEAST important to their own salvation. (Throughout this work MATURITY will be defined as THE WILLINGNESS TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ONE’S OWN EMOTIONAL BEING AND DESTINY)


Children rarely succeed in rising above the maturity level of their parents, and this principle applies to all mentoring, healing, or administrative relationships.


Parents cannot produce change in a troubling child, no matter how caring, savvy, or intelligent they may be, until they become completely and totally fed up with their child’s behavior.

Friedman came to these conclusions after thirty years of observation as a working shrink and rabbi. In these two roles, Friedman observed his Washington D.C. community over several generations made up of “thousands of lawyers, administrators, physicians, and other scientists… [there was] a good chance that many of them were in therapy.” He was a wise man and I think he was on to something.

When Eileen read these, she had an “aha” moment about stuff she has seen in her jobs. So these insights are not just about parenting, hence the reference to mentoring, healing, and administrative relationships.

Finally, in an effort to cleanse my weary brain I found myself listening to YouTube music. I ran across a group I quite like.

I listened to their entire live performance on KCRW while I treadmilled. It helped me tremendously.



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