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I had a decent amount of energy for work today. I’m not sure how it would have been had we gone to Flint yesterday, probably worse. Eileen is still sore. We didn’t walk to church as we usually do so she could still make it to church this morning.

Image result for snl julia child cartoon

I cooked yesterday.It was therapy as much as anything. I made this recipe for a second time. This time i took some pictures just for the heck of it.



The French have a term, mise en place,  which in cooking means beginning with all ingredients in place. This is a recipe for Sweet Potato Dahl.



I remembered this method of dicing onion which I haven’t used for a while. It’s mostly good for when you want quite a bit of diced onion.


The recipe calls for chili peppers. Yesterday I substituted Pablano pepper. I keep them in the house because I love them and use then in cooking quite a bit. They are not too spicy.



Mark reminded me about the neat trick of shaking the skin off of garlic. I think using martini shakers was his idea. I have two shakers. This is now my official garlic shaker.



You have to chop up the sweet potato.



I like to put pre-measure spices in a custard dish. It’s also convenient to put the pablano, garlic and an additional splash of canned diced jalapeno (which are spicy) in a little dish as well.





Of course measuring out the lentils is a good idea. That’s all the pics I took because I only took pictures of things I thought looked cool. The recipe itself is not that beautiful. However, it is good eating. It is actually the dish to pass I contemplated taking to the Flint get together. But it turned out to be therapy for a tired old man instead.

Image result for snl julia child cartoon

Listen to Mozart played on Mozart’s VERY OWN piano – Classic FM

This is wild.

BBC – Future – The invention of ‘heterosexuality’

Bookmarked to read. I find that the way I see sexuality is very different from the stereotypes. I have always thought of it as a continuum phenomenon. That ‘heterosexuality’ was invented is not surprising to me. What is surprising is how many people seem to fall into weird (to me) typecasting behavior as connected to a sexual identity of one group or another.


Speaking of this, recently I met an interesting person who didn’t fall on a clear male or female continuum. She was identifying as woman, that was clear. What struck me was how she relaxed and came out of her shell more after seeing a human rights bumper sticker on a car I was using.

Image may contain: 1 person, beard

It made me realize how important these signals of acceptance are right now. Time to get some more bumper stickers.

Image result for pro gay bumper sticker

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