jupe continues to go a bit crazy with his phone cam


I continue to be drawn to Greek. I have a little notebook with the table of the 24 endings for the definite article I am trying memorize in it. I prop it up while I’m doing dishes or other stuff so that I can constantly review it.


In his “Hablo-Greeko” section of his wonderful web site, Pagan Origins of the Christian Myth, Greg Kane adjusts the expectations of would-be independent learners of Greek while giving helpful encouragement and tips. He says it takes many months to basically get off the ground and many many more months of prep before attacking the JACT texts (the ones I now own in two editions and have been stupidly fondling and looking at for years).

It was partly due to his encouraging words that I branched out recently and began reading in the Greek New Testament online.

deskYesterday I started work on choosing choral anthems for the next year. Eileen allowed me to spread out on her new desk/bench thingo. It works great for this.

momjewelryWhile cleaning out the porch I ran across this collection of my Mom’s jewelry. I took a bit of it over with us yesterday when we went to join Mom for the Fish Boil at her nursing home.


She didn’t want any of what I took over and she didn’t think anything was a family heirloom, so Eileen and I spread a bunch of ear rings on her table, photographed them and sent out to possibly interested family members.



My granddaughter put dibs on the pink ones with stars above and another set in another pic I emailed out. Cool. I have set them aside for her.


I went over to church yesterday afternoon and spent a few hours polishing up music for this weekend. The wedding is a long list of top ten wedding tunes. I have been practicing them a bit more for some reason. Also it’s Mendelssohn Sunday and I have three pieces by him (a duet accompaniment, a piano solo and a organ solo) I am learning. They are sounding pretty good. I have high hopes of nailing them.

‘Excellent Sheep,’ William Deresiewicz’s Manifesto – NYTimes.com

This is a book review I read yesterday while treadmilling. It’s sort of predictable since it critiques many of the lamentable trends in our current education.

I think about this stuff a lot. Facebooking helps me remember how hysterical and incoherent people can be around inflammable issues. I find myself more and more indifferent to the partisan squabbles even though I am clearly stereotyped as a brain dead liberal. I guess this okay and probably even accurate in my little pea brain.

I find all the noise made by politicians, bad media (Fox), and partisans so very distant from what seems to me to be important things to be thinking and talking about.



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