jupe continues to find interesting shit online



I found a new blog to keep an eye on. It’s called Abagond. I don’t know much about the author, Julian Abagond, but I like his slogan: “500 words a day on whatever I want.”

I ran across it when following a link on a page with a mildly clever video about white rich people “helping” Africans.

500 words a day is about my limit. Or should I say that I try to limit myself to under that amount.

No, you are not ‘running late’, you are rude and selfish

I ran across Abagond a few steps away from a Facebook link. The above article was posted on Facebook. It’s from VitaminTalent.com and was shared by an old schoolmate of mine from Wayne State right on Facebook. The website seems to be an online business that connects talent to jobs. Their blog is called “Vitabites” and the article above is lifted from an Australian blogger named Greg Savage. 

I have been known to tell choirs that “to be early is to be on time, to be on time is to be late and to be late is unforgivable.” But after reading this article on lateness I realize that I don’t really experience that much of it compared to some of the people in the article.

Also, I tend to just forge ahead regardless of people’s tardiness. After all, everyone is sometimes unavoidably late. Just yesterday morning I reiterated to my Men’s section that when someone comes late I would prefer for them to let me handle it and continue to concentrate rather than break concentration (usually while we are singing) and start making room for the late person.

This is particularly difficult in the sappy atmosphere of how people see church. They are just trying to be considerate I’m sure. But I see it as mildly unhealthy mental health when late comers expect people to stop what they are doing and make room for them.

In fact, people coming in late are probably not conscious of how rude they are being. ‘


I continue to find stuff that interests me online. Believe it or not, I get quite a bit out of Facebooger. I think I have learned what interests me on it. I keep up with friends and family but skim many of their posts that do not interest me.

I found a conversation on the Episcopal Church Musician’s page pretty interesting. Since it is a closed group, I won’t allude to the people by name. The topic was how did you use “For All the Saints” on All Saints. Very interesting to see that some people omit verses or split the hymn up. Also, some groups attempt to lengthen their procession to fit the hymn. I put in my two cents briefly that we sang all the verses in the hymnal and had the choir do verse five alone.

I learned that some congregations do the choral verses congregationally a cappella. I think I might steal that notion for next year.



I also keep an eye on the Facebook Organist’s page. Yesterday Scott Bataglia wrote about having breakfast with a priest. The priest played phone recordings he had made for him. Some were of him. Others were of subs and other organists. Bataglia found the experience eye opening. It seems that he is a bit better than he thought he was especially when compared to the other organists.

This question occurs to me sometimes when talking shop and repertoire with other musicians. Unless we hear each other, we really don’t know how well we play.


Jesus and the Modern Man – NYTimes.com

Speaking of Facebooger, my boss, Jen Adams, put this article up on it yesterday. I found the next link more inspiring.

Gray Hair and Silver Linings – NYTimes.com

I love the picture Bruni draws of the two elderly people in a cancer waiting room flirting. Joni Mitchell is the same age as these people. Makes ya think if you’re as old as me.

Prehistory’s Brilliant Future – NYTimes.com

Good article on topic. Scary quote: “Scientists estimate that because of the current destruction of natural habitats and the disruptive power of climate change, we may lose anywhere between 20 and 50 percent of all living species by the end of this century.”

The ‘Center’ Always Holds — FAIR

Fair rips up the media’s myths on the recent election. Good read for tired liberals.


2 thoughts on “jupe continues to find interesting shit online

  1. Wow – “Grey hair and silver linings” was really good. What a gentle, compassionate view of the passing of years – not only things lost and chances gone, but the opportunity to see ourselves and our world with more patience and perspective. I’ll be passing it on to a few friends!

  2. I also liked what one of the online commenters said: “The world doesn’t care if you’re happy or not. Just get your work done.”

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