jupe and eileen go shopping


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For my birthday which passed recently, I decided I would like a record player. I remembered seeing one I liked, priced affordably, at Barnes and Noble once. I did not have high hopes that it would still be on the floor since it was a while ago that I saw it.

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Since Barnes and Noble was having a 20 % off for members sale this weekend, Eileen wanted to make a book trip for Lucy (new granddaughter). We combined that with looking for a record player and spending my birthday money.


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Since Barnes and Noble has moved into selling new vinyl records, they are keeping a few record players in stock. With discounts, this one ended up costing me around $130. I’m listening to Glen Gould play the Bach French Suites on it right now. Bliss.

I used up my birthday money and bought books.

Image result for leonard cohen book of longingI didn’t know that Leonard Cohen had published a new book of poems in 2006. The young woman who checked us out commented that she liked his work and thought his latest album was a good one.

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I have mentioned Alan Taylor here before. I have his American Revolutions checked out from the library. It’s his latest one. B and N had a copy, but it’s kind of expensive even with 20% off. I opted to purchase one of his many other books in paperback. I will get back to American Revolutions after I read this if I can find a cheaper copy.

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Consider the Lobster and other essays by David Foster Wallace contains the restored version of his essay, “Authority and American Usage.” I believe this is a review of Bryan A. Garner’s A Dictionary of Modern American Usage, an earlier edition of this book. I believe this essay was instrumental in connecting Wallace to Garner.

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While I was at it, I couldn’t resist adding another book of essays by Wallace to my collection.

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I came home and ordered Garner’s latest edition online at Barnes and Noble. Since I am a member there was no shipping and handling charge. It was discounted and this fifty dollar book cost me about $37.

Boy do I feel spoiled!

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To top it all off, I picked up my prescription and was very surprised when there was no charge. My main blood pressure pill (Diovan) costs, I believe, $3 a pill. Insurance has paid $2 a pill in the past. This means my prescription of 90 pills usually costs me $90 out of pocket. But now as I said to the clerk at the Health Canada Pharmacy, it pays to be 65. I’m on Medicare part B. (Eileen takes care of all this, but I think that’s correct).

A Week of Whoppers From Donald Trump – The New York Times

It doesn’t seem to matter to the supporters of Drump, but he continually says things that are not true. This article methodically lists off thirty-on of his lies.

6 Sites Recognized by Britain for Significance to Gay History – The New York Times

This includes sites for Oscar Wilde and Benjamin Britten.

TimesMachine: November 8, 1889 – NYTimes.com

In the article on the 6 sites in Brain, there was this link which takes you back to a report in 1889. You have to click on pdf but how cool is this?

Hillary Clinton’s problem? We just don’t trust women | Jessica Valenti | Opinion | The Guardian

While we were at the bookstore we ran into Jim MacMillian and his wife. He’s a retired principal (who didn’t hire Eileen). He and his wife were telling us about their daughter was living in Iowa. She wanted to retain her maiden name when she got married. If she did so, John Deere, her husband’s employer, would not put her on his insurance. Against the rules. Wow.

Scientists solve singing fish mystery – BBC News

Singing fish. What’s not to like?

2 thoughts on “jupe and eileen go shopping

  1. Hey hey… a turntable! I thought about getting another one. I have had some nice ones in the past with diamond needles and things like pitch control. I couldn’t afford one that I would want. I also don’t have any records anymore. All CD’s or digital. I gave the stack of records I had to a coworker about 8 years ago. He was trying to support his family by working a $12 and hour job with government and being a disc jockey on the side for weddings, raves, dances etc. I was making almost 3 times that with no side job. He is a good guy and last time I spoke with him, maybe a year ago he was making a bit more money and his DJ business was doing rather well. He still had all the records I gave him.

    I noticed that records are rearing up again. In fact I believe there are quite a bit of record stores in Southern California. I know there is one over by UC Riverside.
    Go figure.
    David J

  2. David,

    I know you are a turntable guy! I am enjoying my new record player. I have some of my old records still. I even have one I have had ever since I was a child in Tennessee (Charlie Parker).

    When I go into thrift shops I see tons of records. Now I can look through them and know that I can hear one if I buy it.

    Yes, vinyl has been coming back for a while. You know it’s mainstream when Barnes and Noble are carrying records (again).


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