jupe a bit under the weather


Eileen had several days this week where she didn’t feel well. She thought she was having a bit of food poisoning, but we couldn’t quite figure it out. Last night my tummy wasn’t right for much of the night. I don’t feel too bad but it’s just enough to feel like I need to stay near a toilet. Great.

I hope this goes away today. I’m taking Meijer Metamucil

So I slept in a bit this morning. Got up and did laundry, cleaned the kitchen and made coffee despite feeling a bit off.

I’m blogging late again. Eileen and I played boggle after our late breakfast. Life is rough.

Rhonda and I had our first meeting about improvisation yesterday. I proposed that instead of paying me (as she originally offered) that she could help me with some questions I have about my organ playing. Yesterday I asked her to listen to the balance of a trio section of piece I am playing tomorrow. Very helpful.

After talking to her about what she has in mind, I think I can probably help her a bit. This is surprising to me. But what she’s looking to do at this time is to demystifying improvising a bit I think. With her skills and talent that shouldn’t be too hard.

Another benefit of meeting with Rhonda is that it will give us a structure to stay in touch a bit more since both of us seem so busy.

Rhonda told me about several musicians she is listening to these days.

I asked her what she listens to for fun, like for cooking. She mentioned the Punch Brothers.

I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned them here before. Anyway, I recognize them.

But I didn’t recognize Sylvan Esso.

Rhonda said that she and her husband Mark saw them live. I’m always looking for new music. This is cool.

Later she texted me that she is learning this piece.

I Spotified this, but like this YouTube version by Bastian Fuchs better than what came up on Spotify.

I’ve never heard of this composer but I like this piece.

And while I’m embedding videos here’s a new Snarky Puppy one.

I haven’t made it all the way through but I do like the music of this group.



 Matt Haimovitz and Bach, Colonizing Columbia’s Campus – The New York Times

I have been way behind on my New York Times so these links aren’t too fresh. I bookmarked this one because it addresses an experience that I have had, namely making splendid music in a hostile environment.

The Telephone’s Muted Emergence – The New York Times

A little history about the word.

How Texas Teaches History – The New York Times

Initially I skipped this article when it first came out. I could see that it was about misinformation in history textbooks in Texas. This is not a new concept for me. However when I read a letter to the editor in Wednesday’s NYT (that’s as far as I am in trying to catch up), I was intrigued about the use of the passive and active voice and its relationship to obfuscating stuff.

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