internets probelms

I managed to get my internet connection working better by simply restarting everything, including the two modems between me and the internet. It’s still working a bit weird but I find in the wonderful world of computers there are so many variables it’s hard to know what’s causing pages to load slowly and for some links to automatically pop me into TDS’s search engine. The latter I find particularly annoying.

Got up early yesterday and went and practiced organ. Spent the rest of the day moving big stuff out of my Mom’s apartment.

I think this book looks interesting:

I know this sort of thing isn’t for everyone (sheesh… like so many of my own interests), but I have read both Hiss’s and Chamber’s books about this story and have found these two characters pretty interesting.

I found this book on Arts and Letters Daily, one of the handful of sites I check pretty regularly.

But when I tried to click on the link, boom! TDS (or some internet god) decided the link was broken and that I needed to see a list of links from their stupid stupid search engine. Oy.

I managed to find the book and then go over to my library site (again with the broken link stupid TDS thing but it went away on the reload) and interlibrary loan a copy.

My Gmail is acting funny too this morning. It refuses to completely load in the standard view. Good grief.

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