I'm not deaf!

I’m not deaf! At least not as deaf as I was.

My left ear is beginning to get some of its hearing back as my inner ear becomes clearer.

No way to avoid the paranoid dreams (often thought of with a shudder in my life as someone in love with sound and music) of increasing deafness.


I have been rewriting (editing really) both of my compositions I am planning to perform Sunday.  I am making the most radical changes in the “Little Recessional Dance.”





the effect is to make the melody stand out more. I found this necessary on my little organ because the chords come out muddy. Also making some changes to “Nettleton for Manuals.”

When I finish, I will email copies of the new versions to the two men who I associate with these pieces: Nick Palmer who commissioned “Nettleton” and Peter Kurdziel to whom I dedicated “Little Recessional.”

These are probably the two people who might have interest in these changes (besides yourself, dear read, heh).

I spent my early morning reading Baruda-Skoda’s excellent scholarship and advice on Bach interpretation  and marking copies of my music and playing through pieces by Bach on my electric piano with the headphones.

Life is good.


Particles recorded moving faster than light – CERN | Reuters


2 hidden ways to get more from your Gmail address – Official Gmail Blog


Amazon’s Kindle to Make Library E-Books Available – NYTimes.com

This makes Eileen happy.


Richard Nelson and Jonas Hassen Khemiri’s Takes on 9/11 – NYTimes.com

Two interesting new plays I’ll probably never get to see.


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2 thoughts on “I'm not deaf!

  1. Congratulations on your pay increase. You certainly earned it. I really would like to hear your church organ. Do you ever record these events?

  2. Unfortunately, there is no recording going on at church. Just like my gigs, I find that recording is usually one too many thing to think about. I have thought about making videos of these two pieces. If I do, I’ll mention it here and on Facebook for sure.

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