if i ever get to retire – UPDATED


It looks now like I will be able to go to Mark and Leigh’s the week of the fourth. Eileen hadn’t gotten out of bed when i wrote this blog post. She and Mark spoke last night. They are ready for us to come for the whole week so that’s what we will do if we can get Elizabeth to come and cat sit.


I read recently that when one is old, one of the things one is sure of is that one did not die young.

I always thought that I would not live this long. Turning twenty was  a surprise, as were all the anniversaries thereafter.

Now I am 69 which is not old by American standards in this century, although that standard is apparently dropping as the life expectancy of white American males diminishes.

I find myself blogging earlier in the day. I have what I hope will be my last staff meeting at Grace this morning. I am actually drawing further away from the life of a church  musician daily.

I have been spending time with the Child Ballads.

The Traditional Tunes of the Child Ballads, Volume 1 (Princeton Legacy Library, 2404): Bronson, Bertrand Harris: 9780691091044: Amazon.com: Books

I have always loved folk music. Now it interests me much more than hymnody or academic music.  You can define that last term for yourself if you want.

I was disappointed with my local library yesterday. I was sure they would have on their shelves some poetry by Brook Haxton, Kim Addonsio, and Hayden Carruth. These are all poets I want to read more of. There was a Collected poems of Carruth which i checked out. I was hoping for more.

Also, my grand daughters are reading a couple of books I don’t know and want to look at if not read: Normal People by Sally Rooney and  The Black Castle by Jeannette Walls. Neither was on the shelf at the library.

So I plan to interlibrary loan all of this, probably this morning if I have time.

I continue to spend time at the piano. Robert Schumann has been very satisfying to read, even though he can be very difficult. Also, I have been reading a bit in the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book as I think about folk music. There are many settings of tunes from the time that interest me.

 I did enjoy browsing at the library, something I haven’t done much of in the past year. Of course I  managed to find a stack of stuff to take home and look over.



Elizabeth called last night to say that she can come and watch the cat the first week of July. Unfortunately, it looks like Leigh had rightly assumed we wouldn’t be coming and has scheduled lessons in the guest bedroom where we usually sleep. Hopefully we can go over a bit that week anyway. At any rate, I was thinking of asking Mark and Leigh to meet Eileen and me halfway between our  homes for a meal and some chat. I guess we’ll see how this plays out.

It has occurred to me to use this web site in my retirement. I have been thinking of organizing my compositions for my own amusement at this time of life. Putting them in chronological order. It might make sense to reorganize this web site and put them here. The website sorely needs reorganizing, but we’ll just have to see if I ever get to retire.


2 thoughts on “if i ever get to retire – UPDATED

  1. Would that be The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls? I read it years ago. It’s good. I’ll look and see if I still have it…

    1. Yes! You’re right! I keep calling it by the wrong title! I would like to read your copy while we visit if you can lay your hands on it. Thank you!

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