How discouraging & Even more discouraging (xposts)

12:36 PM
How discouraging

Just got off the phone with the same office assistant I spoke to this morning. Apparently the executive administrator is taking the day off (The Friday before classes start. Good.) And the chair won’t be in until Tuesday (Classes actually start on Monday). So nothing is happening about getting my correct class online.

Even more discouraging

3:49 PM

It turns out that my scheduled classes were changed and no one bothered to notify me. They took away my theory class which I have been sweating bullets over and gave me a Thursday evening class which I cannot teach.

The chair (who is suddenly Dr. Phipps instead of Danny Phipps. I’ll have to remember and call him Dr. Phipps, I guess) called me from Washington (DC?) to tell me this. He actually wasn’t sure what my schedule was but he was sure that the Blackboard courses were the ones I would be teaching.

I had to check myself online and then call him back in Washington on his cell.

We talked for a bit and he told me some of the difficulties he is facing in last minute faculty problems. He asked me to email him exactly when I could teach and if I would teach a Tuesday evening class.

I called Eileen and briefly asked her what she thought. She thought, “no on Tuesday,” so I felt comfortable in telling Phipps that.

He assured me I would use the syllabus I told him I had prepared with much effort and diligence in the fall. Right.

Dang. I was looking forward to teaching some theory.

The chair doesn’t get back into town until Monday evening. So this means I will get in the car on Tuesday and not have a clue what I will be teaching this semester other than the one Music Appreciation class.

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