hostess with the mostest

My house is full of company, family visiting, so that’s nice. Less time to fool with the blog.

This morning I made Lemon Blueberry Cake which is cooling. Planning to serve Noodles Alfredo for lunch.  That will be our Xmas meal together since half the crowd needs to leave and get back to a New Years get together.

Read another interesting article online: “The Worst of the Madness” by Anne Applebaum (link to New York Review of Books web site) It’s primarily a review of Bloodlines: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin by Timothy Snyder.

I found out many interesting things that I didn’t quite get about the mass murders in Eastern Europe. Stalin and Hitler played off of each other and both countries systematically killed and moved large groups of people around.

Snyder maintains that both countries though enemies also acted in concert sometimes and facilitated each other’s madness. Interesting article, but I don’t think I’ll read the book.

This came in the mail yesterday. As well as this:

My Pricksongs doesn’t look this nice. I bought an old used yellow paperback.

Well gotta go host.

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