home again home again jiggety jig plus random stuff

So Eileen and I took Sarah to the train stations this morning so she could take her train to Chicago where she will take a flight to London.

I hope she enjoyed her visit as much as I did! She let me scan in a couple of her drawings from her recent New York visit:



Sarah was especially interested in the fact that she and Elizabeth both made pictures of the same model at Dr. Sketchy’s.

Here are Elizabeth’s.



I love the fact that both of my daughters keep doing art.

My niece, Emily,  took this pic of me and my Honey Crisp dessert at Cranes on Thursday.

Today is much chillier in Western Michigan. Down to the forties.

On the Media had two very fascinating segments on their show this week.


Playing games to solve actual scientific problems. Very cool.

Click the pic to go the actual foldit website.


Game designer, Jane McGonigal, designed a game to help her deal with a brain injury. The result is a whole use of gaming to achieve crucial health goals.

Again click on the pic to go to the actual Superbetter website.

Finally, my copy of Ligeti’s Hungarian Rock came in the mail yesterday.

Motivation to get my harpsichord up and running.

Or maybe I’ll learn it on the organ:

Either way, I think it’s a pretty cool piece and look forward to both learning to play it and understand it.

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