holy fire batman

Image result for holy fire batman

Eileen spoke to Cynthia last night after I went to bed. The fire is very near their home at this point. Cynthia is thinking about how to save three vehicles. As far as I know they are safe but being cautious.

The fire near them is nicknamed The Holy Fire.

holy.fireI don’t like the looks of “5 % contained.”

I slept badly again last night. This might be partially due to the steroids. I think the itching is easing just a bit, but my skin is very sensitive. Dr. Fuentes said I might feel “edgy” from the steroids as well. But I am feeling a bit better.

Eileen drove up to Grand Haven for an alto breakfast. We have a choir member who lives up in Grand Haven and commutes to our choir and church. I am feeling a bit more like myself today. I have taken several showers in the last few days. But today was the first shower when I put on music to listen to. My Donovan play list. This is a good sign.

Then after running errands, I played Aretha Franklin while I prepared green beans to boil. They are from Leigh’s garden and have been sitting in my fridge. There’s quite a bit but I think they cooked up deliciously.

One of my errands was to the Farmers Market. I took five of my knives to be sharpened. They reasonably charge by length. My cost was $22. I also purchased cherries, blueberries, watermelon, peaches, lettuce, cukes, and heirloom tomatoes. Eileen is thinking of making pickles this afternoon. She has a bag of small cukes in the fridge for this purpose. The cukes she bought for eating last Wednesday turned out to be bad.

I also cut up one fourth of the watermelon for Eileen and me to eat.

My BP was high this morning (146/101). This could be from the meds or the reaction. My weight was up too. Besides the discomfort of having a body rash EVERYWHERE ON ME, I feel pretty good.

Margaret Atwood reads Mavis Gallant. | The New Yorker

This is an amazing story. Mavis Gallant is now on my radar. I plan to read more of her. I listened to this story several times last  night since I couldn’t sleep. It is a tight structure of beauty. Atwood (another hero of mine) reads it beautifully. I love the layers of meaning in this piece. Recommended.


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