So I didn’t actually read poetry after blogging yesterday. Usually I write and then do the pictures. This took longer than I anticipated. But this morning I did do the poetry thing.
I am reading several poets right now.
Louis Glück.
A Village Life.
Demetria Martinez
(re-reading her Breathing Between the Lines).
Sharon Olds.
Stag’s Leap.
Charles Bukowski.
The People Look Like Flowers at Last.
I tried to lay low yesterday. My cold is still with me. My daughters did the grocery shopping so all I had to do really was go to church and practice organ then treadmill.
In between I found some time for Scarlatti and Prokofiev on the piano.
The daughters decided at about 8:30 Pm they would like to go out to eat. I was too tired to accompany them but they met Eileen at work and she decided to join them.
Today they all three drive up to Whitehall and go shopping with Eileen’s Mom then lunch.
I have to do church stuff today. Pick a postlude. Submit info for the Advent I bulletin. Call some instrumentalists. Stuff like that.
My Mom canceled out on her shrink appointment yesterday. Her stomach was bothering her. We had planned to try to get her out to lunch again but that was all a no go.
I made a playlist of some of the composers from the NYT article and listened to them on Spotify.
Rediscovering the Electronic Music Godmothers –
I liked Laurie Spiegel quite a bit.
Elizabeth found her album online for digital purchase.
I will probably buy it today after I check to make sure we are doing okay for money.
Elizabeth found her link on the site Band Camp. I just checked and
it’s also on Amazon.
I have one class today at noon. Then a church meeting at 1 PM.
I am enjoying having my daughters around for chats.
Sarah installed carbon monoxide detectors and smoke detectors yesterday. It helps her worry less.
Sarah and Elizabeth have rented a dumpster for Thursday and plan to clean out their stuff from the basement, stuff which is mostly damp and unusable.
What Should Children Read? –
Discussion of what reading is for. Like everything else the teaching of reading is slipping into the nonsense utilitarian world of how much money it will help you make. Good grief. Some interesting comments from teachers in the comment section.
Sunday Dialogue – Is Classical Music Dying? –
I read this. I think the violinist letter writer and some of the other letter writers see music much differently than I do. I think that music is such a part of being human it is no danger. Our concepts change (symphony orchestra, rock band), but music continues to contain the possibilities of fun, joy, sorrow and sundry profundities to me.
Some of the writers seem to make the assumption that there is a corpus of music that is the canon of received human art. This kind of canonic thinking is not aware of its own romanticism and ultimate shifting in the face of all human change.
Whippy skippy. I said to my ladies group I recently played for that music is what keeps me going. It’s not all that keeps me going but it’s definitely an important part for me.
As Bombs Fell in Gaza, a Rich Cactus Lover Could Cultivate Only Patience –
A bizarre portrait of a man living in Gaza. In Arabic, “cactus” comes from the same root as “patience”: sabra.
Republican and Lesbian, and Fighting for Acceptance of Both Identities –
I have often said that sexual orientation (to use a catch phrase) does not have a causal relationship with liberal politics. Gay people are people. Therefore in my mind they can have all the virtues and foibles available to any human. Including identifying themselves as Republicans.
Close Guantánamo Prison –
The USA continues to pursue unsavory and evil practices. Maybe it’s just inherent to having a state in the first place. Kafka might say so.