Hippy dippy recycle guy

Okay, Meijers has been pretty weird to me lately. But, I took my airgranite-recycleable-goofy-liberal-“I believe in global warming” bags (pictured above. Mine are purple.) with me shopping today. And it went okay.

Eileen and I bought four of these at church recently. She keeps one and I use the other three for grocery shopping. At least that was our plan. I have had some pretty bad experiences with clerks at Meijers around bringing my own bags. So, I was stealed today to be polite but insistent.

I recognized the woman who checked me out. She and I have had dealings before. I think she’s probably afraid of me. But anyway when she looked dubious at my bags and said something about not being very good at packing, I offered to bag my own. This seem to give her a feeling of relief and it went fine after that. I have linked in the company that makes these. They sell for 17 dollars US. Our church sells them for 10 dollars. What a bargain!

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