hermit jupe


Burn out continues. I feel like I’m living in a hermitage. It’s not a bad place to be, under the radar. I think my trio is going to rehearse today. At any rate, I plan to be there at our usual time and if no one shows I’ll practice organ.

A Goddess Reimagined

I listened to this New York Public Library podcast recently. Emily Wilson, one of the two participants, is a hero of mine. I am delving deeper into Homer, both her translation and Pope’s. I also have the Greek text and have referred back and forth a couple of times.

Image result for circe novel

Madeline Miller is the other participant in this pod cast. She seems very interesting. Maybe I should read some of her books as well.

Why Traditional TV Is in Trouble – The New York Times

Eileen and I haven’t had a TV for a while. We watch online.

Leaving Herland | The Point Magazine

Have I mentioned The Point magazine here? My brother, Mark, turned me on to it. Good stuff.

Image result for the point magazine

2 thoughts on “hermit jupe

  1. thanks for linking that podcast. Fun conversation that definitely makes me excited by ancient myth, shakespeare and the Circe novel.

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